Ian Kissick, Ireland

Formative coffee

Tell us about yourself:

I'm the owner of Formative Coffee in Central London and I've been competing for 5 years.

I'm from rural Northern Ireland, but I moved to London in 2011 to study Computer Science. My studies have continued to influence me, and have continued into my time in coffee, helping me foster a strong interest in the impact of technology on the coffee industry.

My love of coffee began, really, as an escape from a dull corporate job. I'd take 10-15 minutes every day to escape my desk and walk over to my local specialty coffee shop, chat to the baristas, and enjoy a coffee. Once I'd quit the corporate job, it was that very same shop that I went to work in.

What are you excited to do while you visit Busan?

Enjoy the food & the beach!

What are your interests outside of coffee?

Cinema, books & audiobooks! Especially sci-fi

Is there anyone you would like to thank or recognize or who helped you to prepare for the WBC?

The whole team at Formative!


Federico Pinna, Italy


Mikael Jasin, Indonesia